Y&Y becomes official supplier of the 2016 IFSC World Climbing Championships

The belay glasses company is going to supply the belayers of the climbing worldwide summit of the year.

Y&Y offers prism glasses which allow the belayer to watch the climber without raising his head. The belayer can thus focus on the climber and keep an eye on the surroundings at the same time. Wearing Y&Y glasses prevents and cures cervical problems related to belaying. How ? Simply because the belayer keeps a natural neck posture that is not traumatic to the joints of the neck.

We wanted to put our belayers in the best possible conditions. Those glasses will be available for all belayers, but there use won't be mandatory”, explains Marie-Anne Midy, at the head of the communication department at the FFME. “It's an opportunity for us to inform our community about those products : we had some great feedbacks from the users”.

"Becoming supplier of the 2016 IFSC World Climbing Championships was obvious for us. It's the greatest climbing competition in the world and it's happening in France. We just developed our offer, as our international stand on the market : being part of the World Championships was – once again – quite obvious”, explains Thomas FERRANDI, at the head of the communication department at Y & Y.